

Brown Block, FNU Nursing Campus, Tamavua, Suva, G.P.O. Box 12685, Suva, Fiji Islands

Get in touch with our team on [679] 892 6494 / 892 6493

The Fiji Nursing Council of Fiji (‘the Council’) is a government statutory body that functions under and administers the Nursing Act 2011. The Council is responsible for protecting the health and safety of all people from every walk of life who access health services and are recipient of nursing care. It ensures that quality nursing services are provided to each member of the public seeking healthcare services by upholding high standards of efficiency and professionalism. It fervently promotes and safeguards the rights and interests of the public and the nursing profession. The Council determines and develops frameworks, guidelines, standards and protocols to direct and guide its functional responsibilities. In its regulatory role, the Council is mandated to formulate regulations, polices and standards that will enhance and uphold the safety of nursing practice.